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Danten Rice & Nolan Carrico

Danten Rice & Nolan Carrico

Brite Trace

SaaS Company Focused on Dementia Care


Black / African American, Hispanic / Latino / Latinx

Technology, Service

Community Support, Health & Food



Brite Trace was founded in the University of Louisville’s Innovation MBA program (IMBA). It was initially created as a storytelling service for individuals suffering from terminal conditions. After receiving feedback from customer validation surveys, it became apparent that there was a strong need for similar services for caregivers of individuals with Dementia. Upon pivoting our business model to provide expanded services to Dementia caregivers, Brite Trace’s mission evolved to provide these caregivers with the tools and resources they need to provide effective memory care to their loved ones. Key features include Care Touchpoints that track ones daily progress, our Educational Resource Center that provides streamlined and relevant care information, and Actionable Insights that provide personalized care suggestions for addressing Dementia symptoms.

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