Jeffrey Neal
Black / African American
Service, Infrastructure
Green / Sustainability
Mid-Atlantic Environmental Justice
Ten years ago, I was resting on my sofa, body covered in ice packs and nursing my injuries from my years in the Navy. I had finished eating a banana but was unable to get up and throw away the icky peel, so I was left awkwardly holding it. I started thinking about the peel’s journey, observing the ridiculousness of it. We haul it, then dump or burn it with devastating effects on our climate, soils, food quality, planet, and communities. In the past, I would have quickly put the peel in the trash going on with business as usual, but I couldn’t do it this time. As the peel lingered in my hand, the grip of the moral and existential dilemma tightened. I had to be a part of the solution, but how?
Loop Closing disrupts the $11 billion food waste hauling industry by fully supporting the deployment of commercially available composting machines engineered for on-site use. This saves clients money while providing the needed composting capacity, reversing climate chaos, generating green skilled jobs, and dismantling structural inequities.